Should you stop your car late at night if someone with a weird get-up asks for a lift?

Not only weird get-up, even if he is well suited booted, don't stop your car at night. Because crooks and thugs will be on the prowl in the night. One can easily fool people, most of whom are gullible and sentimental. As soon as they see a person dressed well, they think that he or she must be a saint. They don't understand that sometimes lions come in the garb of lamb. Crooks, if they come to know that their weird-looking attire is acting as a repellent, they will change the attire and they will also have a lady dressed in silk and wearing ornaments to fool the car owner that they are sophisticated and in need of help. Looking at their get-up, if the car owner, trying to be a good samaritan, stops his car, in five minutes he will be in his birthsuit standing in the middle of the road shivering in cold. That is why, experienced car owners/drivers, as soon as they see people seeking succour in the midnight, increase the speed of the vehicle and save their skin.
Police vehicles should patrol main roads within a city during night in order to help decent and law-abiding citizens. The personnel and vehicles are woefully inadequate in Police Department. Citizens are forced to fend for themselves in the absence of proper governmental apparatus in operation.


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